Congo (DRC) Conflict Update ~ Mountain Gorilla Conservation Front ~ By Emmanuel De Merode, Director for Virunga National Park: Even in the best of times, keeping Virunga’s rangers fully funded is a challenge, but with tourism closed because of the war, it has become nearly impossible. Simply put, we need your help keeping our rangers deployed.
The instability created by the war is posing a huge threat to the park. Periods of conflict are when the rangers’ jobs are most dangerous – and most necessary. At times like these, opportunists abound and poaching, illegal animal trafficking, and habitat destruction become especially difficult to control. Please help us ensure the basic funding for rangers remains in place. Every $16.00 donated will keep a ranger in the field for a day. This includes the cost of training, rations, medical care, and uniforms.
Virunga’s rangers have always been willing to do what we have asked of them, so let’s all give them a hand.
To help support the Rangers in the Virunga National Park, visit the GorillaCD blog, Click on the red donate button at the top right of the blog post at this link:
i love the gorilla life style. Pliz friends lets team up en donate to these great rangers
© 2009. All Rights Reserved. Galiwango Film, Created, Written, Directed and Animated by Solomon W. Jagwe |
Friends, do please do what you can to help these rangers. With security comes safety, both for the endangered wildlife and the local communities, which in turn makes for a more conducive atmosphere for tourism.
The rangers bear the brunt of protecting the wildlife from poachers, militias and snares. Your support is greatly appreciated. Read more amazing stories about the lives of the Rangers here: